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adventures in google ads!
A self-paced, fluff-free online course for elopement & wedding photographers that are ready to stop hustling for their next inquiry and start booking out their calendar by getting on the first page of Google. 
"I booked over $46k worth of elopements [in two months]"

"I took the leap to run my Google Ads in January [2024] and this is where all the hard work, crying, and self doubt made it all feel worth it. 

[In two months], I booked over $46k worth of elopements with 85% coming from Google. No more word of mouth and hoping I get seen! I cater to a super small area in New England and my booking rate is phenomenal. 

My ads are doing so well, that I get a minimum of 3-5 inquires a week. Which is perfect for me! My work/life balance is a dream and I get to prioritize both my clients and what's important to me outside of photography. 

"Dive head first into this process and don't look back. You will create the business and life you've always dreamt of if you apply yourself and believe in your abilities. Take it from the girl who was broke less than a year ago and feeling so lost."

- Vanessa Halliday 

"I made $17,000 just this past month"

"I had a really successful traditional wedding photography business when I lived in NY, but moving across the country had me feeling so discouraged. 

"I had no idea how to break into what felt like a really niche and oversaturated market, I had no inquiries, no idea what to do next...I was struggle bussin' HARD. 

"Just 2 months into the program I had inquiries coming in non-stop for elopements of my dreams in Washington and Oregon. 

"I made $17,000 just this past month and I'm coming up on reaching my $120,000 goal since joining the program almost a year ago all with couples that are my dream couples, in places that I'd always dreamt of shooting. It's changed my life working with Megan, truly and I can't thank her enough for making a program that really works."

- Natasha Cardinal

Hey elopement & wedding photographers...
Imagine being on Google's first page and doubling (or tripling) your bookings... without the endless Instagram hustle, expensive website rebrands, or waiting years for organic SEO to work.

You’ve branded yourself as an elopement or wedding photographer.

You've polished your portfolio, mastered Instagram reels, have a stunning website, and maybe even dipped your toes into SEO and blogging... all in the pursuit of capturing the love stories of cool couples.

But despite all your hard work, your bookings are few and far between.

In fact, it seems like it's getting harder to book out your calendar as the years go on. 

Sound like you?

Then I'm so glad you're here! You're in the right place.

Does this also sound familiar?

You believe you don't have a steady flow of dream clients because your prices are too high and the algorithm sucks, but you don’t actually have any evidence to support that. 

You think you need thousands of Instagram followers and viral reels because that’s where you’ve been told all your bookings will come from, right?

You've dabbled in SEO and blogging, but you rank so low on Google that it hasn’t brought in any new inquiries, let alone bookings.

You’ve posted diligently in Facebook groups, answering couples that are looking for a photographer that "doesn't charge an arm and a leg," but it hasn’t really gotten you anywhere. In fact, it’s been a pretty big waste of time and energy.

You find yourself lowering your prices, regularly offering discounts to attract more couples, and deep down, it makes you feel undervalued and frustrated.

You've set up an awesome website and portfolio, hoping it would be enough to impress and attract your ideal clients, but you are still struggling to book out your season.

You often find yourself booking clients who haggle over prices, micromanage every detail, and fail to see the value in your work. This isn't the dream photography business you envisioned when you first started.

At the end of the day, all you really want is to stop worrying about where your next booking is coming from -

You see other photographers living this every single day, and you're frustrated that that's not your reality yet.

Believe me when I say I get it… because I’ve been exactly where you are right now.

The thing is, I’ve booked multiple six-figures worth of elopements and weddings over the years, without hustling on social media or being a genius at SEO and Google.

And my students regularly do the same, too.

So I promise you... You don’t need to keep dancing on reels everyday for the rest of your business. 

So… what is it?

Why aren’t you getting the inquiries and bookings you need to make a living?

Before we get into that, I think it’s time to talk about the good news:

You can start getting tons of inquiries and bookings quickly even if you don’t have a huge Instagram following or have no idea what SEO even means.
Just imagine what that would actually be like:

Waking up to inquiries from couples who've already seen your work on the first page of Google, ready to book you for their dream elopement or wedding.

Feeling in control of your business and bookings, because you know exactly how to attract your dream couples on Google. 

Checking your email to find messages from excited clients who love your style, your approach, and are eager to pay your worth.

Being able to raise your prices confidently, knowing there’s a line of dream clients waiting to work with you because they found you right at the top of their search results.

Having fun on social media, and using it to connect with your couples instead of waking up every day and worrying about what to post. 

Spending your time relaxing and hanging with family instead of fretting over what to post on social media next or chasing down the few inquiries in your inbox.

All of that CAN be your reality thanks to my tested & proven Google ads strategy, which can only be found inside of…

Adventures in Google Ads is the shortcut to getting you at the top of your dream couples' search results. You get access to my tested & proven Google Ads strategy, and all of the tools that you need to make your dream a reality.

Hey! I'm Megan!

Destination Elopement Photographer, Business Coach for Elopement Photographers, and creator of The Elopement Photographer Mastermind.

I used to be in your shoes... spinning my wheels, frustrated, and getting nowhere while trying to figure out what to post on social media to get people to book me.

I spent YEARS (and more money than I can count) doing allllll the things… buying all the online courses... writing all the blog posts... you name it, I tried it.

I knew SEO was important, but it was a struggle to write content and see no return. 

Then I finally started ranking on Google for some of my targeted keywords. And I started booking my dream couples at prices that were profitable. Google was the GOAT! 

But SEO took years of trial and error to see results. Especially in crowded markets like Utah and Colorado. So I knew I had to find a shortcut to make $$ fast. 

Which is when I discovered the magic of Google Ads!

Then, I started teaching my coaching students how to use Google Ads, and their bookings skyrocketed right away! I was shook. 

After years of testing and data collection from members of The Elopement Photographer Mastermind, I discovered a proven strategy that works for elopement & wedding photographers. 

I’ve taken everything that I learned on this journey and put it into Adventures in Google Ads.

It’s my mission to help as many elopement & wedding photographers as possible fast-forward through the junk by simply focusing on what works.

Here's what other photographers are saying about my Google Ads strategy:

Wins like these are exactly why I created Adventures in Google Ads. So you can book $25k worth of photography in a month and wake up to inquiries almost daily just like the photographers above!

Here’s exactly what we’ll cover:
Lesson 1
Introduction to Google Ads & Understanding Your Target Market

What You'll Learn: In the first week, you're going to learn about the essentials of Google Ads and its significance for elopement and wedding photographers. You'll also dive into defining and understanding your target market, focusing on who your ideal clients really are.

Why It's Important: Grasping Google Ads and pinpointing your dream clients are crucial first steps. You'll see how Google Ads can directly connect you with couples looking for a photographer like you. Identifying your target market helps tailor your marketing to attract the right clients effortlessly.

What We'll Cover: 

Google Ads Basics: An introduction to what Google Ads are and their value for your business.

Discovering Your Ideal Clients: Techniques to define who you want to work with and why they matter.

The Power of Market Research: How understanding your clients' needs shapes a successful Google Ads strategy.

Target Market Worksheet

After lesson 1, you'll be set with a clear understanding of Google Ads and have a sharp focus on who your ideal clients are, laying the groundwork for attracting them to your business.

Lesson 2
Keyword Research & Selection

What You'll Learn: Dive deep into the world of keywords in lesson two. You'll explore various tools and techniques for conducting effective keyword research, understanding keyword intent, and how to select the best keywords to target your ideal elopement and wedding clients. Don't worry, I make it easy!

Why It's Important: Keywords are the foundation of your Google Ads. Choosing the right keywords means you're more likely to show up in searches by couples who are looking for exactly what you offer. This lesson focuses on making your ads visible to the right people at the right time.

What We'll Cover: 

Keyword Research Tools: Introduction to tools that will help you find the perfect keywords.

Understanding Keyword Intent: Learn what potential clients are really looking for when they search.

Creating a Winning Keyword Strategy: How to pick keywords that target your ideal clients and set your ads up for success.

Successful Keyword Worksheet

By the end of lesson two, you'll be equipped with the know-how to select powerful keywords that speak directly to your target market, setting the stage for successful Google Ads campaigns that attract your dream bookings.

Lesson 3
Landing Pages that Convert

What You'll Learn: This week, you'll learn the secrets to crafting landing pages that do more than just look good—they turn visitors into eager inquiries and bookings. You'll understand the crucial elements of high-converting landing pages and how to design your own pages that resonate with your ideal elopement and wedding photography clients.

Why It's Important: A landing page is where the magic happens—it's where potential clients decide whether to take the next step with you. Landing pages should help do the "selling" before a couple ever inquires with you. 

What We'll Cover: 

Landing Page Essentials: Discover the must-have elements that make landing pages effective.

Design Tips for Conversion: Learn design principles that encourage visitors to take action.

Integration with Google Ads: How to ensure your landing pages and ads work together seamlessly for a cohesive user experience.

Landing Page Outline

By the end of lesson three, you'll be able to design landing pages that not only attract your ideal clients but also encourage them to inquire and book, boosting the ROI of your Google Ads.

Lesson 4
Google Ads Campaign Set-Up

What You'll Learn: You'll receive step-by-step instructions for setting up your first Google Ads campaign. This lesson focuses on the practical steps to create and manage effective campaigns that target your ideal elopement and wedding clients. You'll learn how to navigate the Google Ads platform, set up your account, and launch campaigns that get results.

Why It's Important: Proper setup is critical for campaign success. Understanding the objectives, settings, budgeting, and bidding strategies will empower you to manage your campaigns efficiently, optimizing your ad spend for the best return on investment.

What We'll Cover: 

Google Ads Account Setup: The step-by-step guide to starting your Google Ads journey.

Campaign Creation: Learn how to create campaigns that target your ideal market effectively.

Budgets and Bidding: Strategies for managing your advertising budget and bidding for keywords.

After completing lesson four, you'll have the knowledge to start your very first Google Ad!

Lesson 5
Long-Term Management and Optimization

What You'll Learn: This lesson focuses on the fine-tuning required to ensure your ads continually meet your business goals. You'll learn the ins and outs of creating negative keyword lists to refine your ad targeting, understanding crucial KPIs such as Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC), and strategies for improving your optimization score for better campaign performance.

Why It's Important: Effective long-term management of your Google Ads is critical for sustained success. Over time, you can improve your ads' efficiency, leading to more targeted inquiries and bookings, all while optimizing your ad spend.

What We'll Cover: 

Creating Negative Keywords: Learn how to identify and implement negative keywords to prevent irrelevant clicks and save your ad budget.

Understanding KPIs: Get to grips with key metrics that matter, like CTR and CPC, and why they're essential for evaluating your ads' performance.

Optimization Score Improvement: Discover practical steps to improve your Google Ads optimization score, enhancing your campaigns' overall effectiveness.

By the end of this lesson, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed for the proficient long-term management of your Google Ads campaigns, ensuring they continue to work hard for your elopement photography business.


Price It Right

Ready to stop leaving money on the table? Price It Right is my signature pricing course designed to help you bring in thousands more dollars without working harder. You'll learn how to strategically price your services to maximize profit while attracting dream clients. This bonus alone can transform your business by ensuring you're charging what you're

worth and getting booked at those rates!

Includes a CODB (cost of doing business) spreadsheet so you know exactly what to charge to start profiting in your business!

F the Algorithm

Tired of playing the social media game? F the Algorithm is a mini-course that will teach you how to stop stressing over social media and start attracting your dream clients with ease. You'll learn marketing strategies that work, so you can focus on what you love—photography—instead of chasing likes and follows. With this bonus, you'll be able to have fun with your marketing again!

Includes 30 days of caption ideas!

Sales Call Script

Close more deals effortlessly with my Sales Call Script & Automation Blueprint. This bonus provides you with the exact script I use to convert inquiries into high-paying clients, plus swipe files to automate the process using Calendly or HoneyBook. You'll not only feel confident on every sales call but also streamline your booking process so clients can schedule and confirm without you lifting a finger!

Includes email templates!

Retail Value $991
But you're getting them FREE for a limited time!

Bonuses go away in...

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On the other side of Adventures in Google Ads, you’ll experience results like:

Clearly understanding your target market and what they are Googling, so you can make sure your website is the first they find on their search for the perfect photographer

How to make sure you're targeting the right keywords so you get the best ROAS (return on ad spend)

Your daily budget and how $10-$20/day can bring in $100k worth of photography bookings!

How to optimize and manage your Google Ads, so they're always on in the background, bringing in inquiries even if you're on vacation or haven't touched Instagram in months

And did I mention, getting booked in your dream destinations!

Heads up!

The information in this course is such a game changer, that I'm limiting the amount of people I sell it to.

The last thing I want to do is flood the market with lots of Google ads, because it will start getting more expensive for all of us. 

So make sure to grab your spot quick!

Here’s Everything You Get:

5 fluff-free, actionable lessons (1 hour long each) - Get step-by-step guidance through everything you need to know about running profitable Google Ads. Each lesson is fluff-free and packed with practical strategies to help you generate results fast. (Value $997)

Slack Group Support - Gain access to our private Slack community where you'll receive ongoing support from myself and two experienced coaches. We'll personally review and optimize your Google Ads to ensure you get the best return on your investment. (Value $2000)

Monthly Group Coaching Call - Join our monthly group coaching sessions where you can ask questions, get personalized feedback, and learn advanced tips for optimizing your ads. These calls will keep you on track and ensure you're always improving. (Value $3000)

Lifetime Access to All Content - Enjoy lifetime access to all recordings, materials, future updates, and the Slack group. You’ll always have the latest strategies at your fingertips as Google Ads evolves.

Workbooks & Templates for Easy Implementation - Make implementation a breeze with our carefully designed workbooks and templates, giving you the tools to set up and optimize your Google Ads campaigns with ease.

Exclusive Bonuses - Get even more value with three powerful bonuses: Price It Right (valued at $497) to help you master your pricing strategy, F the Algorithm (valued at $197) to free you from social media stress, and the Sales Call Script (valued at $297) to close more clients with ease. Total value $1000 - yours free!

That's $6,988 worth of value for $997! 
1 payment of:
2 payments of:
Now you've got two choices...

ONE: Close this page and keep doing what you’ve been doing... spinning your wheels, dropping your prices to get bookings, and worrying about the algorithm. 

TWO: Enroll in Adventures in Google Ads and take the first step towards booking out your calendar thanks to that first page spot on Google.

You know which option I’m voting for.


In 1 afternoon, you could be finalizing your target market and keywords, which means you're one step closer to helping your dream couples find you. 

In 1 week, you could be running your very first Google Ad, which means your website visitors and inquiries will be increasing!

And in a year, you could be completely booked out, opening your inbox every day to new inquiries, raising your prices, and only working with couples that adore and value you. 

But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and get my tested & proven Google Ads strategy and all of the tools and strategiesthat you need to make your dreams a reality inside Adventures in Google Ads.

You might be wondering…

Q: I’ve taken online courses before and I never finish them. How will this be different?

A: Adventures in Google Ads is designed to be quick and easy to implement. So instead of an online course sitting in your inbox forever, you'll be able to finish it in an afternoon and start your first Google Ad right away! I don't like to "knowledge bomb" photographers in my courses. Instead, I'll give you exactly what you need to be successful with your ad, nothing more and nothing less.  

Q: I'm a brand new photographer, will this work for me? 

A: Google Ads work best for photographers that already have some experience in their industry. It's best to have a good website, solid portfolio, and experience with handling bookings and inquiries. If you are truly a beginner, I recommend something like The Elopement Photographer Mastermind, which covers every aspect of your business instead of just one marketing channel. 

Q: I'm a seasoned photographer that gets a lot of inquiries and bookings already, but I could use more, will this work for me? 

A: Yes! In fact, you're the best person to join AIGA! You already have so much of your business dialed in, that Google Ads will be the extra boost your business needs to confidently book out your calendar! Turn them on when you need them, turn them off when you don't.

Q: I'm a wedding photographer, will this work for me? 

A: Yes! Even though I am technically an elopement photographer and business coach for elopement photographers, we have also tested this Google Ads strategy with wedding photographers with AMAZING results! 

adventures in google ads!
A self-paced, fluff-free online course for elopement & wedding photographers that are ready to stop hustling for their next inquiry and start booking out their season by getting on the first page of Google. 

Grab it while you can!

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Terms of Product Purchase and Use

Last Updated on: 2/14/2024

This Agreement is between You (“Purchaser”, “You”, “Your”) and Hazel & Lace LLC (“Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) for the purpose of any digital product purchase through this website at, or any related domains or subdomains (the “Sites”).

By purchasing any Product, You agree to be bound by these Terms, without any other conditions or declarations. If at any time You do not agree with these Terms or find them otherwise unacceptable, please discontinue use of Our Product(s) immediately.

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Our “Products” include but are not limited to: [email templates, live event tickets, workbooks, worksheets, videos, online courses], and any other documents for paid purchase on these Sites.

Intellectual Property

All Products are the intellectual property of and are owned by Megan MacPhail of Hazel & Lace LLC.

Age of Majority

Understand that by purchasing any Products, services or applications for which You tender payment or otherwise obtain through the Sites, You warrant that You are at least 18 years of age and are otherwise legally able to enter into a valid contract.



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So long as You comply with this Terms of Use, HAZEL & LACE LLC grants You a ONE revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download, view, edit, and print the Product(s) You purchase solely for Your individual use with respect to Your business clients or similar business use, and which is not to include any reproduction, copying, or any other use of the Product(s) for resale or distribution (“Permitted Use”), provided that You: (1) abide by all copyright protections afforded to the Product(s), both as formally registered with the U.S. Copyright Office and as otherwise provided by law; (2) abide by all trademark protections afforded to the Product(s), both as formally registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a state trademark authority, or as otherwise provided by common law; (3) do not use the Product(s) or otherwise offer them on any other website, through a networked computer environment, or otherwise offer them for distribution or sale or in any manner inconsistent with Permitted Use as provided by these Terms; and (4) do not modify the Product(s) in any way beyond edits and completions necessary to complete template forms and other Product(s) consistent with Permitted Use provided by these Terms.

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This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Mexico including all matters of construction, validity, performance, and enforcement and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. The Parties agree that any dispute or lawsuit arising out of, or concerning, this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively in a federal or state court of competent jurisdiction located in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. The Parties assume responsibility for their own collection costs and legal fees incurred should enforcement of this Agreement should it become necessary.


Any and all disputes or disagreements rising between the Parties out of this Agreement upon which an amicable understanding cannot be reached, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the procedural rules of the American Arbitration Association. The Parties agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator(s). The arbitration proceeding shall take place in Bernalillo County, NM, unless another location is mutually agreed to by the Parties. The cost and expenses of the arbitrators shall be shared equally by the Parties. Each party shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses in presenting the dispute for arbitration.

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In the event that any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. Any failure by one or both Parties to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other portion or provision of this Agreement.


This Agreement cannot be transferred or assigned to any third party by the Purchaser without the consent of the Company.
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  • Preferred option
    Full Payment ($997)$997.00
  • Preferred option
    Split Pay (2x $499.00)2x $499.00

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Adventures in Google Ads$0

Your SPOT includes:

5 program modules walking you through everything you need to know about Google Ads

Slack Group to get your questions answers fast

Monthly Group Coaching Call 

Lifetime access to all recordings, materials, Slack group, and updates

Workbooks & templates to make things as easy and straightforward as possible

brought to you by:
  • Total payment
  • 1xAdventures in Google Ads$0

All prices in USD
